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Alison F. Chung



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Alison is a clinical neuropsychology student at the University of Victoria.

Her research interests include studying neurocognitive and psychosocial predictors of health in older adults living with cognitive decline, chronic conditions, and neurodegeneration. Clinically, she is interested in conducting cognitive and psycho-educational assessment in adults. 

Outside of academia, she is passionate about advocating for neurodiverse, disabled, and marginalized individuals. She is also an avid video game player and a tutor. 

New Publication

Check out my new publication!

Chung, A.F., Teasell, M.J, Pergher, V.I., Thornton, A.E., & Loken Thornton, W. (2023). Fear of COVID-19 is associated with trust, subjective numeracy, and differentially with loneliness in older versus younger adults. Frontiers in Psychology, 14.  

Undergraduate Honours Project

Thesis: Object Substitution Masking in Video Game Players

Abstract: Action video game players (AVGPs) demonstrate enhanced abilities in numerous cognitive domains such as visual spatial attention and speed of processing. These abilities may be trained through habitual gaming, as they regularly utilize those abilities in cognitively demanding ways. While this enhancement has been shown in previous research, one relevant, but as yet unstudied task is the object substitution masking (OSM) task. The OSM employs an array of potential targets, one of which is singled out by being within a four-dot square. When the whole display terminates at once, target identification accuracy is near perfect, but if the dots remain on display for a period of time after target termination, then target identification accuracy decreases. One account of OSM is that it is due to the relatively late arrival of the re-entrant perceptual hypotheses in primary visual cortex. Based on this account, if AVGPs can allocate attention and process stimuli faster, then the perceptual hypotheses should be generated sooner, and they should show reduced OSM relative to non-action video game players (NAVGPs). This is precisely what was found. Therefore, these results provide additional evidence to support the notion that playing action video games can enhance one’s visual spatial attention and speed of processing.

Honours Project

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